A physical qubit with built-in error correction

Phys.org  February 2, 2024 To harness the potential of a quantum computer, quantum information must be protected against error by encoding it into a logical state that is suitable for quantum error correction. The Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill (GKP) qubit is a promising candidate because the required multiqubit operations are readily available at optical frequency. An international team of researchers (Japan, Germany, Czech Republic, USA – University of Virginia) developed and verified a GKP state in propagating light at  telecommunication wavelength. The generation was based on interference of cat states, followed by homodyne measurements. Their final states exhibited nonclassicality and non-Gaussianity, including the […]

Computer program developed to find ‘leakage’ in quantum computers

Science Daily  March 19, 2019 Researchers in the UK used the dimension witnessing approach to show that in program making use of the permitted ‘single qubit’ instructions, unwanted states were being accessed in the transmon circuit components. Their quantum computer program detects the presence of ‘leakage’, where information being processed by a quantum computer escapes from the states of 0 and 1. Most quantum computing hardware platforms suffer from this issue. They verified experimental data from its application on a publicly accessible machine, which shows that undesirable states are affecting certain computations. Even a miniscule leakage accumulating over many millions […]