Physicists create turnstile for photons  September 22, 2020 If the quantum emitter is excited with laser light and fluoresces, it will always emit exactly one photon with each quantum leap. For this type of source, it is then still a challenge to efficiently “feed” the emitted photons into a glass fiber to send as many of them as possible to the receiver. An international team of researchers (Austria, Germany, Denmark) generated strongly correlated photon states using only weak coupling and taking advantage of dissipation. An ensemble of non-interacting waveguide-coupled atoms induces correlations between simultaneously arriving photons through collectively enhanced nonlinear interactions. These correlated photons […]

A polariton filter turns ordinary laser light into quantum light  February 19, 2016 An international team of researchers (Australia, France) used nanometre-thick films made of gallium arsenide and sandwiched them between two mirrors to manipulate the incoming photons. The photons interact with electron-hole pairs in the semiconductor, forming polaritons that carry properties from both the photons and the electron-hole pairs. The polaritons decay after a few picoseconds, and the photons they release exhibit distinct quantum signatures. While these quantum signatures are weak at the moment, the work opens a new avenue for producing single photons on demand. Once they are able to increase the strength of the quantum signatures, […]