Light can scatter from light, CERN physicists confirm

Physics World  August 14, 2019 The quantum electrodynamic process of photon–photon scattering has for the first time been confirmed experimentally to a high degree of certainty. CERN’s ATLAS collaboration, which involves hundreds of physicists from around the world, made the breakthrough after analysing a large dataset of candidate scattering events using a neural network. Their discovery could fuel new research into a variety of theories beyond the Standard Model of particle physics. The discoveries of the ATLAS collaboration could inform future studies aiming to confirm and constrain these theories, potentially allowing much-anticipated updates to the Standard Model…read more. Open Access […]

Light Seems to Pull Electrons Backward

American Physical Society Focus  August 2, 2019 It is long assumed that light hitting a metal surface at an angle pushes on the free electrons, moving them forward. A team of researchers in the US (NIST, University of Maryland, Brown University) aimed an infrared laser toward the metal surface at a glancing angle and placed an electrode at the far end of the metal sample to detect any voltage created if the light drove the electrons along the metal, which would create an excess of negative charge at the far end. As they varied the angle, the team measured a […]