Quantum leap: Photon discovery is a major step toward at-scale quantum technologies

EurekAlert  May 20, 2020 Architectures for photonic quantum computing place stringent demands on high quality information carriers. An international team of researchers (UK, Italy) has fabricated on-chip photon sources and demonstrated that they meet the computing requirements. The photon sources are fabricated in silicon using mature processes and exploit a dual-mode pump-delayed excitation scheme to engineer the emission of spectrally pure photon pairs through inter-modal spontaneous four-wave mixing in low-loss spiraled multi-mode waveguides. They measured a spectral purity of 0.9904 ± 0.0006, a mutual indistinguishability of 0.987 ± 0.002, and >90% intrinsic heralding efficiency and on-chip quantum interference with a visibility of 0.96 ± 0.02 between […]