Microscopic computers: The wires of the future may be made of molecules

EurekAlert  June 23, 2020 An international team of researchers (Germany, Denmark, USA – UTAustin, Japan) believe that future computers must transition to molecular dimensions. In electronic devices made from molecules the molecular wires must have satisfactory conducting properties and stability. They are studying neutral molecules which can recognize and find each other in solution, which form a well-defined three-dimensional structure and have semiconductor properties. They showed that by inserting different components they can modify the conductivity and thereby control the system…read more. TECHNICAL ARTICLE 

Solitonics in molecular wires could benefit electronics

Phys.org  March 24, 2020 Polyacetylene molecular wires have attracted a long-standing interest for the past 40 years. Because of recent experimental developments, individual polyacetylene chains can now be synthesized on substrates. An international team of researchers (Germany, USA – Columbia University) proposes a novel way for chemically supported soliton design in these systems. They have demonstrated how to control the soliton position and how to read it out via external means and show how extra soliton–antisoliton pairs arise when applying a moderate static electric field. The research is a step toward functionality of electronic devices based on soliton manipulation…read more. […]