Non-stop signal achieved in high-power Erbium-doped mid-infrared lasers  July 1, 2021 Based on their previous research work on laser, researchers in China further improved the laser performance of Er:YAP laser crystal by laser-diode side-pumping method. A Er:YAP crystal rod with concave end-faces was used to compensate the thermal lensing effect. They achieved maximum output power of 26.75 W at 250 Hz, and 13.18 W at 1000 Hz. They demonstrated a LD side-pumped and electro-optical Q-switched Er,Pr:YAP laser with emission at 2.7 μm. A giant pulse laser was obtained with pulse energy of 20.5 mJ, pulse width of 61.4 ns, and peak power of 0.33 MW at the […]