Scientists observe ‘quasiparticles’ in classical systems for the first time  January 26, 2023 The concept of quasiparticles has become a cornerstone of condensed quantum matter, where it explains a variety of emergent many-body phenomena such as superfluidity and superconductivity. Researchers in South Korea used quasiparticles to explain the collective behaviour of a classical system of hydrodynamically interacting particles in two dimensions. In the disordered phase of this matter, measurements revealed a subpopulation of long-lived particle pairs. Modelling and simulation of the ordered crystalline phase identified the pairs as quasiparticles, emerging at the Dirac cones of the spectrum. The quasiparticles stimulated supersonic pairing avalanches, bringing about the melting of the […]

An entangled matter-wave interferometer: Now with double the spookiness

Nanowerk  October 22, 2022 Researchers at the University of Colorado combined entanglement and delocalization to create a matter-wave interferometer that can sense accelerations with a precision that surpasses the standard quantum limit. In their system each individual atom fell freely under gravity and simultaneously traversed two paths through space while entangled with the other atoms. They demonstrated both quantum non-demolition measurements and cavity-mediated spin interactions for generating squeezed momentum states with directly observed sensitivity 3.4+1.1−0.9 dB and 2.5+0.6−0.6 dB below the standard quantum limit, respectively. They injected an entangled state into a Mach–Zehnder light-pulse interferometer with directly observed sensitivity 1.7+0.5−0.5 dB below the […]