Keeping objects levitated by sound airborne despite interference  June 20, 2022 Researchers in the UK developed a computational technique that allows high-speed multipoint levitation even with arbitrary sound-scattering surfaces and demonstrated a volumetric display that works in the presence of any physical object. Their technique has a two-step scattering model and a simplified levitation solver, which together could achieve more than 10,000 updates per second to create volumetric images above and below static sound-scattering objects. They explained the technique achieved its speed with minimum loss in the trap quality and illustrate how it brought digital and physical content together by demonstrating mixed-reality interactive applications…read more. Open Access […]

Acoustic tractor beam can grab objects from behind obstacles

Physics World  October 29, 2018 Researchers in the UK have developed, SoundBender, a device that combines an ultrasound transducer array with an acoustic metamaterial. They created the metamaterial from 16 different 3D-printed bricks on top of a programmable array of 16×16 off-the-shelf loudspeakers, operating at 40 kHz. The metamaterial provides a low modulator pitch to create high resolution – but static – acoustic fields. The transducer array adds dynamic amplitude and phase control of the field. They demonstrated the device by creating hologram, levitating a polystyrene bead above a LEGO baseball figure and passed sound around the flame of a […]

Lift off for world-first ultrasound levitation that bends around barriers

Science Daily   October 15, 2018 Researchers in the UK developed SoundBender by overcoming the limitations of previous ultrasound levitation set-ups by developing a hybrid system that combines the versatility of phased arrays of transducers (PATs) with the precision of acoustic metamaterials while helping to eliminate the restrictions on sound field resolution and variability each of the previous approaches applied. The metamaterial provides a low modulator pitch to help create sound fields with high spatial resolution while the PAT adds dynamic amplitude and phase control of the field. They will present their paper at an upcoming ACM conference in Berlin, Germany…read […]