Magnetic skyrmions: Two methods for creating them and guiding their motion  September 7, 2022 Magnetic skyrmions are envisioned as information carriers in future information technology. Skyrmions in thin magnetic films may act as an ideal test bed to study the dynamics of topologically non-trivial magnetic quasi-particles. To study the skyrmions reliable generation of the magnetic skyrmion at controlled positions is required. An international team of researchers (Germany, the Netherlands) developed full nanometer-scale control of the skyrmion generation by two independent approaches employing He+-ion irradiation or using backside reflective masks. The influence of nanopatterned backside aluminum masks on the optical excitation was studied in two sample geometries with varying layer sequence […]

Future information technologies: Topological materials for ultrafast spintronics  July 16, 2021 To understand how fast excited electrons in the bulk and on the surface of Sb react to the external energy input, and to explore the mechanisms governing their response an international team of researchers (Germany, Russia, Ireland) used time-, spin- and angle-resolved photoemission to femtosecond-laser excitation. The data showed a ‘kink’ structure in transiently occupied energy-momentum dispersion of surface states, which can be interpreted as an increase in effective electron mass. They were able to show that this mass enhancement plays a decisive role in determining the complex interplay in the dynamical behaviors of electrons from […]

New evidence of an anomalous phase of matter brings energy-efficient technologies closer  July 14, 2021 An international team of researchers (UK, Japan, Slovenia, India, USA – Columbia University, Switzerland) used ultrafast pump-probe microscopy to investigate the possible excitonic insulator Ta2NiSe5. Below 328 K, they observed the anomalous micrometer-scale propagation of coherent modes at velocities of ~105 m/s, which they attributed to the hybridization between phonon modes and the phase mode of the condensate. They developed a theoretical framework to support this explanation and proposed that electronic interactions provide a substantial contribution to the ordered phase in Ta2NiSe5. These results allow us to understand how the condensate’s collective modes transport energy and […]

Researchers demonstrate a platform for future optical transistors

EurekAlert  April 9, 2020 The inability of photons to interact well with each other is a drawback in developing optical transistors. An international team of researchers (Russia, Iceland, UK) demonstrated a new efficient implementation, where photons couple to excitons in single-layer semiconductors. They created polaritons with the help of a laser, a waveguide, and an extremely thin molybdenum diselenide semiconductor layer trapping them in the system. Polaritons obtained in this way not only exist for relatively long periods of time, but also have extra high nonlinearity, meaning that they actively interact with each other. The work brings us closer to […]

Nanoscale pillars as a building block for future information technology

Science Daily  October 5, 2018 A key element for future spin-light applications is efficient quantum information transfer at room temperature, but at room temperature the electron spin orientation is nearly randomized. This means that the information encoded in the electron spin is lost or too vague to be reliably converted to its distinct chiral light. Researchers in Sweden have devised an efficient spin-light interface. The key element of the device is extremely small disks of GaNAs, a couple of nanometres high stacked on top of each other with a thin layer of GaAs between to form chimney-shaped nanopillars. Fewer than […]

‘Magnetoelectric’ material shows promise as memory for electronics

Source: Science Daily, November 29, 2017 Devices tend to store information through electric fields or through magnetic fields. In the future, our electronics could benefit from the best of each method. Switching one functionality of a magnetoelectric material induces a change in the other, referred to as cross-coupling. To better understand cross-coupling, an international team if researchers (USA – University of Wisconsin, Temple University, Argonne National Laboratory, Northern Illinois University, Italy, UK, Luxembourg, Switzerland) describe their unique process for making a high-quality magnetoelectric material and exactly how and why it works… read more.  Open Access TECHNICAL ARTICLE