Data systems that learn to be better

MIT News  August 10, 2020 Filtering data based on predicates is one of the most fundamental operations for any modern data warehouse. However, schemes are hard to tune and their performance is inconsistent. Automatically optimizing an index for a particular dataset and workload suffers in the presence of correlated data and skewed query workloads. Researchers at MIT have developed Tsunami, which addresses these limitations to achieve up to 6×faster query performance and up to 8× smaller index size than existing learned multi-dimensional indexes, in addition to up to 11× faster query performance and 170×smaller index size than optimally-tuned traditional indexes…read […]

Silicon two-qubit gate achieves 98% fidelity

Physics World  May 13, 2019 Two-qubit gates are essential for creating practical quantum computers. An important parameter is how resistant a qubit is to decoherence which can very quickly destroy quantum information. While the fidelity does not have to be a perfect 100%, anything lower will eventually lead to errors creeping into calculations after multiple operations are performed. An international team of researchers (Australia, UK, Japan) has created a two-qubit gate from two silicon quantum dots and using Clifford-based fidelity benchmarking system they demonstrated that it can achieve a fidelity of 98% when performing the controlled-rotation operation. More than 50 […]

Can we trust scientific discoveries made using machine learning?

Eurekalert  February 15, 2019 According to the researchers at Rice University machine learning field has focused on developing predictive models that allow machine learning to make predictions about future data based on its understanding of data it has studied. A lot of these techniques are designed to always make a prediction. They never come back with ‘I don’t know,’ or ‘I didn’t discover anything,’ because they aren’t made to. People have applied machine learning to genomic data from clinical cohorts to find groups, or clusters, of patients with similar genomic profiles. But there are cases where discoveries aren’t reproducible; the […]