Shaping with light – a novel method for crafting chiral nanostructures with lasers

Nanowerk  March 22, 2023 Chiral nanostructures based on semiconductors exhibit pronounced properties of chiral luminescence and optoelectronic responses, which are fundamental for chiroptoelectronic devices. Researchers in China showed polarization-directed oriented growth of platinum oxide/sulfide nanoparticles based on optical dipole interactions and near-field–enhanced photochemical deposition. By rotating the polarization during the irradiation or employing vector beam, both three dimensional and planar chiral nanostructures could be obtained, which is extendable to cadmium sulfide. The chiral superstructures exhibited broadband optical activity with a g-factor of ~0.2 and a luminescence g-factor of ~0.5 in the visible, making them promising candidate for chiroptoelectronic devices… read […]