Magnetic antiparticles offer new horizons for information technologies

Eurekalert  August 15, 2018 An international team of researchers (Germany, Sweden, France, Czech Republic) theoretically explored the dynamics of skyrmions and antiskyrmions in ultrathin ferromagnetic films and showed that current-induced spin–orbit torques can lead to trochoidal motion and skyrmion–antiskyrmion pair generation, which occurs only for either the skyrmion or antiskyrmion, depending on the symmetry of the underlying Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction. They developed algorithms which predict how spin–orbit torques can control the type of motion and the possibility to generate skyrmion lattices by antiskyrmion seeding. By increasing the amount of energy transferred to the system from the applied currents, they found that […]

Magnetic skyrmions: Not the only ones of their class

Eurekalert  June 28, 2018 Chiral bobber (ChBs) – which is characterized by several unique properties was predicted theoretically. An international team of researchers (Germany, Sweden, Russia, China) has demonstrated the existence of chiral bobbers in thin films of B20-type FeGe by means of quantitative off-axis electron holography. They showed that ChBs can coexist with skyrmions over a wide range of parameters, which suggests their possible practical applications in novel magnetic solid-state memory devices… read more. TECHNICAL ARTICLE 

A surprising twist on skyrmions  June 12, 2018 An international team of researchers (UK, China, Germany) measured the helicity angle of surface skyrmions, providing direct experimental evidence that a twisted skyrmion surface state also exists in bulk systems. The exact surface helicity angles of twisted skyrmions for both left- and right-handed chiral bulk Cu2OSeO3, in the single as well as in the multidomain skyrmion lattice state, are determined, revealing their detailed internal structure. The findings suggest that a skyrmion surface reconstruction is a universal phenomenon, stemming from the breaking of translational symmetry at the interface. The study suggests the importance of free surfaces has […]