The right squeeze for quantum computing  June 01, 2018 Inherent properties of photons in light are used for encoding information as quantum bits into a light beam by digitizing patterns of the electromagnetic field. “Squeezing” light is used to reduce errors from light waves during quantum computation. Researchers in Japan have developed a theoretical model that uses both the properties of quantum bits and the modes of the electromagnetic field in which they exist. The approach involves squeezing light by removing error-prone quantum bits when quantum bits cluster together. According to the researchers this model is 10 billion times more tolerant to errors than current […]

Time crystals may hold secret to coherence in quantum computing

Science Daily  May 29, 2018 A time crystal is a structure that does not repeat in space, like normal three-dimensional crystals such as snowflakes or diamonds, but in time. In practice this means that crystals constantly undergo spontaneous change, breaking the symmetry of time by achieving a self-sustaining oscillation. An international team of researchers (Finland, UK, Russia) has demonstrated quasi-crystals by studying the Bose-Einstein condensation of magnons in superfluid Helium-3. They observed the time quasicrystal and its transition to a superfluid time crystal… read more. TECHNICAL ARTICLE

Are we quantum computers? International collaboration will investigate the brain’s potential for quantum computation  March 27, 2018 QuBrain project at UCSB is a collaborative project among an international team of leading scientists spanning quantum physics, molecular biology, biochemistry, colloid science and behavioral neuroscience to seek explicit experimental evidence to answer whether we might in fact be quantum computers. They will explore neuronal function with state-of-the-art technology from completely new angles. QuBrain has the potential for breakthroughs in the fields of biomaterials, biochemical catalysis, quantum entanglement in solution chemistry and mood disorders in humans, regardless of whether quantum processes indeed take place in the brain… read more.

In five years quantum computing will be mainstream

Next Big Future  March 19, 2018 IBM Researchers are already reaching major quantum chemistry milestones, having recently used a quantum computer to successfully simulate atomic bonding in beryllium hydride (BeH2), the most complex molecule ever simulated by a quantum computer. In the future quantum computers will continue to address problems with ever-greater complexity, eventually catching up to and surpassing what we can do with classical machines alone… read more.

A Preview of Bristlecone, Google’s New Quantum Processor

Google Research Blog  March 5, 2018 The guiding design principle for this device is to preserve the underlying physics of our previous 9-qubit linear array technology, which demonstrated low error rates for readout (1%), single-qubit gates (0.1%) and most importantly two-qubit gates (0.6%) as their best result. This device uses the same scheme for coupling, control, and readout, but is scaled to a square array of 72 qubits. They chose a device of this size to be able to demonstrate quantum supremacy in the future, investigate first and second order error-correction using the surface code, and to facilitate quantum algorithm […]

Approximate quantum cloning: The new way of eavesdropping in quantum cryptography

Physorg  February 20, 2018 Uncertainty at the quantum scale makes exact cloning of quantum states impossible. Yet, they may be copied in an approximate way using probabilistic quantum cloning. Continuing previous work, researchers in China showed that if an independent subset cannot be expressed as the superposition of the other states in the set, then these dependent states can be partially cloned. Cloning operation allows scientists to make many copies of the output of computations—which take the form of unitary operations. These can, in turn, be used as input and fed into various further processes. Cloning also has applications in […]

Light controls two-atom quantum computation

Nanowerk  February 7, 2018 In the new concept for quantum gate demonstrated by researchers in Germany, photons impinging on an optical cavity mediate an interaction between two atoms trapped inside. This interaction is the basis for performing characteristic gate operations between the atoms. The gate operations take place within microseconds and the gate mechanism can be applied to other experimental platforms, and the two-atom gate can serve as a building block in a quantum repeater… read more. Open Access TECHNICAL ARTICLE