Blanket of light may give better quantum computers  October 17, 2019 In their efforts to observe quantum phenomena on a macroscopic scale, researchers in Denmark managed to create a network of 30,000 entangled pulses of light arranged in a two-dimensional lattice distributed in space and time. They produced light beams with special quantum mechanical properties (squeezed states) and woven them together using optical fibre components to form a cluster state. An optical quantum computer will therefore not require costly and advanced refrigeration technology, its information-carrying light-based qubits in the laser light will be much more durable and it can be more easily be scaled to contain hundreds […]

A sound idea: a step towards quantum computing

Science Daily  June 19, 2019 An international team of researchers (Japan, USA – University of Pittsburgh) used very short laser pulses to excite electrons inside a silicon crystal creating coherent vibrations of the silicon structure, such that the motions of the electron and the silicon atoms became entangled. The state of the system was then probed after a variable delay time with a second laser pulse. Based on their theoretical model, the scientists were able to explain oscillations observed in the charge generated as a function of delay time. The research may lead to quantum computers based on existing silicon […]

Silicon two-qubit gate achieves 98% fidelity

Physics World  May 13, 2019 Two-qubit gates are essential for creating practical quantum computers. An important parameter is how resistant a qubit is to decoherence which can very quickly destroy quantum information. While the fidelity does not have to be a perfect 100%, anything lower will eventually lead to errors creeping into calculations after multiple operations are performed. An international team of researchers (Australia, UK, Japan) has created a two-qubit gate from two silicon quantum dots and using Clifford-based fidelity benchmarking system they demonstrated that it can achieve a fidelity of 98% when performing the controlled-rotation operation. More than 50 […]