Measurement-device-independent quantum communication without encryption  October 11, 2018 The key problem of practical quantum secure direct communication (QSDC) is that apparatuses used in practical quantum communication systems have some defects, and these imperfections, especially defects in the measurement devices, can lead to leakage of information and affect the security of practical QSDC. Researchers in China proposed a measurement-and-device-independent quantum secure direct communication protocol using Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen pairs. This protocol eliminates all loopholes related to measurement devices, which solves a key obstacle in practical quantum secure direct communication. The protocol has also an extended communication distance, and a high communication capacity…read more. TECHNICAL ARTICLE

Quantum technologies can be applied on a standard telecommunications network  October 4, 2018 Researchers in Spain have developed a quantum cryptography network integrated in a commercial optical network through technologies based on software defined networking allowing for the implementation of quantum and classical network services in a flexible, dynamic and scalable manner. The technology has been developed on an existing infrastructure using standard communications systems and allows switching between links connecting points that may be up to 60 kilometers apart. Twenty channels can share the same fiber in the same optical band that uses the quantum channel, allowing the simultaneous transmission of quantum signals with more than two terabytes […]

Space-borne quantum source to secure communication  October 1, 2018 Researchers in Germany developed a remarkably stable yet powerful quantum source which can generate 300,000 entangled photon pairs per second when the light from a laser beam hits a non-linear crystal. The twinned light particles enable sensitive messages to be securely encrypted. The two photons’ polarization remains entangled no matter how far apart they may be. This allows two communicating parties to produce and share keys and immediately detect if a third-party attempts to intercept their communication. If an unauthorized party tampers with the message, the two photons disentangle to reveal that a hacking attempt is […]