
Artjay Javier

Peer-Reviewed Publications
  1. H. Jayaram, M. Flories, F.G. Serpa, and A. Javier. "Statistically-Derived Generative Models of Dynamic Scientific Collaboration Networks". manuscript in preparation, 2013.
  2. J. Durante, J.T. Whitehouse, and A. Javier. "Correlation of Newick Tree Distance and Conditioned Key Term Probabilities in Scientific Collaboration Networks". manuscript in preparation, 2013.
  3. F.G. Serpa, A.M. Graves, and A. Javier. "Statistical Common Author Networks". Journal of the American Society of Information Science and Technology, 64:2507–2512, 2013.
  4. R.A. Quinlan, A. Javier, E.E. Foos, L. Buckley, M. Zhu, K. Hou, E. Widenkvist, M. Drees, U. Jansson, and B.C. Holloway. "Transfer of carbon nanosheet films to nongrowth, zero thermal budget substrates". Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures, 29:030602, 2011.
  5. A. Javier and E.E. Foos. "Nanocrystal photovoltaic paint sprayed with a handheld airbrush". IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, 8(5):569–73, September 2009.
  6. A. Javier, R.W. Meulenberg, C. Steven Yun, and G.F. Strouse. "Photothermal melting and energy migration in conjugated oligomer films doped with CdSe quantum dots". Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 109(15):6999–7006, 21 April 2005.
  7. CS Yun, A. Javier, T. Jennings, M. Fisher, S. Hira, S. Peterson, B. Hopkins, NO Reich, and GF Strouse. "Nanometal surface energy transfer in optical rulers, breaking the FRET barrier". Journal of the American Chemical Society, 127(9):3115–3119, 2005.
  8. A. Javier and G.F. Strouse. "Activated and intermittent photoluminescence in thin CdSe quantum dot films". Chemical Physics Letters, 391(1-3):60–3, 11 June 2004.
  9. A. Javier, C.S. Yun, and G.F. Strouse. "Quantum dot-organic oligomer nanostructures: electronic excitation migration and optical memory design". In O.D. Velev, T.J. Bunning, Y. Xia, and P. Yang, editors, Unconventional Approaches to Nanostructures with Applications in Electronics, Photonics, Information Storage and Sensing Symposium (Mater. Res. Soc. Symposium Proceedings Vol.776), pages 17–22, 2003 2003. 
  10. A. Javier, D. Magana, T. Jennings, and G.F. Strouse. "Nanosecond exciton recombination dynamics in colloidal CdSe quantum dots under ambient conditions". Applied Physics Letters, 83(7):1423–5, 18 August 2003.
  11. S.L. Cumberland, K.M. Hanif, A. Javier, G.A. Khitrov, G.F. Strouse, S.M. Woessner, and C.S. Yun. "Inorganic clusters as single-source precursors for preparation of CdSe, ZnSe, and CdSe/ZnS nanomaterials". Chemistry of Materials, 14(4):1576–84, April 2002.
  12. S.L. Cumberland, M.G. Berrettini, A. Javier, and G.F. Strouse. "Synthesis and characterization of a 1:6 Au-CdSe nanocomposite". Chemistry of Materials, 15(5):1047–56, March 2003. 
  13. A. Javier, C.S. Yun, J. Sorena, and G.F. Strouse. "Energy transport in CdSe nanocrystals assembled with molecular wires". Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 107(2):435–42, 16 January 2003.
Conference Presentations & Posters
  1. A. Javier and E.E. Foos. "Nanocrystal Photovoltaic Paint Sprayed with a Handheld Airbrush". In Materials Research Society Conference: (H13.13) Session H, 2007.
  2. A. Javier and G. Strouse. "Excitation-power dependent photo-induced luminescence activation and intermittency in dilute quantum dot thin films". In American Physical Society Conference, Abstract Number 22030, Section G16, volume 1, page 16008, 2003.
  3. Artjay Javier. "Quantum Dot-Organic Oligomer Nanostructures: Electronic Excitation Migration and Optical Memory Design". In O.D. Velev, editor, Unconventional approaches to nanostructures with applications in electronics, photonics, information storage and sensing: symposium held April 21-25, 2003, San Francisco, California, USA. Materials Research Society, 2003. Materials Research Society Conference, San Francisco CA, 2003, (Q2.1) Session Q2.
  4. A. Javier and G.F. Strouse. "Brightening and Blinking in Dilute Thin Films of CdSe Quantum Dots". In Southern California Inorganic Photochemistry Conference, 2002.
  5. A. Javier and G.F. Strouse. "Energy transfer in Assemblies of CdSe-oligo-(p-phenylethynylene-dibenzylthiol) Composites". In Southern California Inorganic Photochemistry Conference, 2001.
Other Publications
  1. A. Javier E. E. Foos and L. J. Buckley. "Development of Inorganic Photovoltaic Paints for Covert Power Sources". Technical report, Naval Research Laboratory, 5 March 2008. NRL/MR/6120–08-9113.
  2. Artjay Javier. "Electronic spectroscopy and energy transfer in cadmium selenide quantum dots and conjugated oligomers". PhD thesis, University of California, Santa Barbara, 2006.

Gino Serpa

  1. F.G. Serpa, et al., Statistical common author networks, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 64, Issue 12, 2507-2512, December 2013.
  2. J.D. Gillaspy,et al., First measurement of Lyman α x-ray lines in hydrogen-like vanadium: results and implications for precision wavelength metrology and tests of QED, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 43 (2010) 074021.
  3. W.F. Egelhoff,et al., "Surface oxidation as a diffusion barrier for Al deposited on ferromagnetic metals", J. Appl. Phys. 89, 5209 (2001).
  4. R.D. McMichael,et al., "Exchange bias relaxation in CoO-biased films", J. Appl. Phys. 87, 6406 (2000).
  5. R.P. Lu,et al.,"Hot-electron attenuation lengths in ultrathin magnetic films", J. Appl. Phys. 87, 5164 (2000).
  6. Chantler C.T.,et al., "Absolute measurement of the resonance lines in heliumlike vanadium on an electron-beam ion trap", Phys. Rev. A 4, 2501, (2000)
  7. Chantler C.T., et al., "Precision X-ray spectroscopy at the NIST electron-beam ion trap: Resolution of major systematic error", Physica Scripta, Vol T 80B, 440-442 (1999).
  8. Aglitskiy Y.,et al., "The use of a spherically curved crystal spectrometer for X-ray measurements on electron beam ion trap", Physica Scripta, 58, (2) 178-181 (1998).
  9. F.G. Serpa,et al., Lifetime measurements in the ground configuration of Ar13+ and Kr22+ using an Electron Beam Ion Trap, J. Phys. B-At Mol. Opt. 31: (15) 3345-3352 (1998).
  10. D.C. Parks,et al., Non-kinetic damage on insulating materials by highly charge ion bombardment, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. B 134, 46-52, (1998).
  11. D. Paterson,et al., Absolute Calibration of an X-ray Spectrometer on the NIST Electron Beam Ion Trap: Control, Design and Systematics, Physica Scripta. Vol T 73, 400-402, (1997).
  12. C.T. Chantler,et al., Progress Towards Absolute X-ray Spectroscopy on the NIST Electron-Beam Ion Trap: Current Status and Results, Physica Scripta. Vol T 73, 87-89, (1997).
  13. F.G. Serpa,et al., Measurement of a magnetic-dipole transition probability in Xe+32 using an electron-beam ion trap, Phys. Rev. A 55 4196 (1997).
  14. F.G. Serpa,et al., 3000˚ A to 4600˚ A Kr spectra from the EBIT, Phys. Rev. A. 55, 1832 (1997).
  15. F.G. Serpa,et al., Anomalous Z-dependence of a magnetic dipole transition in the Ti I isoelectronic sequence, Phys. Rev. A. 53, 2220 (1996).
  16. J.D. Gillaspy,et al., Overview of the Electron Beam Ion Trap at NIST, Proceedings of Nobel Symposium, Phys. Scr. T59, 392 (1996).
  17. C.A. Morgan,et al., Observation of visible and uv magnetic dipole transitions in highly- charged xenon and barium, Physical Review Letters 74, 1716 (1995).
  18. H. Adler,et al., Fabry-Perot Spectroscopy of a Visible Magnetic Dipole Transition in Ba34+Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on highly charges Ions, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 98, 585 (1995).
  19. J.D. Gillaspy,et al., Overview of the EBIT Program at NIST, Proceedings of Nobel Symposium 91, Physica Scripta, T 59, 392 (1995).
  20. E. Traebert,et al., Experimental transition probabilities of intercombination transitions in Mg-like and Al-like ions of bromine, Phys. Rev. A 47, 3805 (1993).
  21. F.G. Serpa,et al., Rydberg transitions in Be-like Si XI, AIP Conference Proceedings, No 274, 419-22 (1993).
  22. A.E. Livingston,et al., Fine structure of the 2 3P state in helium-like sulfur and chlorine, AIP Conference Proceedings, No 274 p. 402-5 (1993).
  23. K.W. Kukla,et al., Spectroscopy of highly ionized atoms using position sensitive detection, AIP Conference Proceedings, No 274 p. 398-401 (1993).
  24. C.E.Tanner,et al., Measurement of the 6p2P3=2 State Lifetime in Atomic Cesium, Physical Review Letters 69, 2765 (1992).
  25. F.G.Serpa and A.E.Livingston, Measurement of long range interactions effects for Rydberg state transitions in beryllium-like ions, Phys. Rev. A. 43, 6447 (1991).
  26. A.E.Livingston,et al., Lifetime measurements in highly ionized Silicon, Phys.Rev. A 44, 7820 (1991).
  27. A.E.Livingston, E.J.Galvez, and F.G.Serpa, Comment on Satellites to ∆n = 1 transitions between High-Lying Levels of Multiply Ionized Atoms , Phys. Rev. Letters 64, 235 (1990).