Custom-made molecules designed to be invisible while absorbing near-infrared light

Nanowerk  June 17, 2024 Molecules that can absorb near-infrared light but not visible light have applications in everything from chemotherapy to photodetectors. Researchers in Japan were able to systematically design a large, complex molecule that does not absorb visible light, (it is completely colorless and transparent) but absorbs near-infrared radiation by carefully constructing molecules that have suitable arrangements of electrons. It showed an absorption band in the NIR region without distinct visible-light absorption, which has led to the establishment of colorless characteristics. Theoretical analyses indicated that the combination of a polyene-like electronic structure with orbital symmetry was important to obtain […]

Organic electronics: Sustainability during the entire lifecycle

Science Daily  July 7, 2023 Organic electronics can make a decisive contribution to decarbonization and, at the same time, help to cut the consumption of rare and valuable raw materials. To do so, it is not only necessary to further develop manufacturing processes, but also to devise technical solutions for recycling as early on as the laboratory phase. To design built-in sustainability into the materials selection, processing and device architectures of all emerging applications, an international team of researcher (UK, USA – UC Santa Barbara, Germany) is promoting a circular strategy. They evaluated the status of embedded carbon in organic […]