Nanowerk December 2, 2024 Conventional multi-scale array fabrication techniques are facing challenges in reconciling the contradiction between better device performance and lowering the fabrication cost and/or energy consumption. A team of researchers in the US (North Carolina State University, Iowa State University) used facile mixed-metal array fabrication method based on guided self-assembly of polymerizing organometallic adducts derived from the passivating oxides of a ternary liquid metal, to create mixed metal wires. They fabricated large-area, high-quality organometallic nano- to micro-wire arrays without compromising wire continuity or array periodicity. Using capillary bridges on a preceding layer, they made hierarchical arrays with complex […]
Category Archives: Optoelectronics
Breakthroughs in optical modulation using tunable 2D materials
Nanowerk April 26, 2024 Achieving distinctive modulation across short-wave infrared (SWIR) regions while enabling precise phase control at low signal loss within a compact footprint remains an ongoing challenge. By integrating CuCrP2S6 (CCPS) into silicon photonics microring resonators (MRR) an international team of researchers (United Arab Emirates, New York University) enhanced light-matter interaction and measurement sensitivity to minute phase and absorption variations. The devices exhibited low optical losses and excellent modulation efficiency. These results outperformed earlier findings on phase shifters based on TMDs. The study demonstrated distinct variations in electro-optic tuning sensitivity when comparing transverse electric and transverse magnetic modes, […]
14 parameters in one go: New instrument for optoelectronics February 21, 2024 An international team of researchers (Germany, UK, US – NERL, Switzerland, Ukraine) developed the constant light induced magneto transport method which resolves electron and hole mobility, lifetime, diffusion coefficient and length, and quasi-Fermi level splitting and demonstrated their implication of the constant light induced magneto transport for silicon and metal halide perovskite films. They resolved the transport properties of electrons and holes predicting the material’s effectiveness for solar cell application without making the full device. The accessibility of fourteen material parameters paved the way for in-depth exploration of causal mechanisms limiting the efficiency and functionality of […]
Physicists have developed a new photonic system with electrically tuned topological features October 14, 2022 In optoelectronics momentum and polarization degrees of freedom of light are interwoven and interfaced with electronics. However, manipulating photons through electrical means is a daunting task given their charge neutrality. An international team of researchers (Poland, Iceland, Italy) has developed electrically tunable microcavity exciton-polariton resonances in a Rashba-Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling field. They showed that different spin-orbit coupling fields and the reduced cavity symmetry led to tunable formation of the Berry curvature, the hallmark of quantum geometrical effects. They implemented an architecture of a photonic structure with a two-dimensional perovskite layer incorporated into a microcavity filled with […]
Cocrystal engineering—a clever way for designing multifunctional material
EurekAlert June 24, 2022 Using cocrystal engineering researchers in China have designed Flu-TCNQ cocrystal with integrated optoelectronic properties. They selected the Flu (donor) as the luminescence unit due to its good luminescence, extended π-conjugated plans, and rich electrons properties, and the TCNQ (acceptor) as the electrical building block, a typical n-type semiconductor that can provide a strong electron-withdrawing capacity. Driven by the charge transfer (CT) interaction and affected by the D-A molecules stacking mode, the emission of Flu-TCNQ cocrystal was regulated to be red, and the n-type charge transport property of the acceptor molecule was maintained in the cocrystal. According […]
Soft semiconductors that stretch like human skin can detect ultra-low light levels
Science Daily December 15, 2021 An international team of researchers (USA – Georgia Institute of Technology, Chile) has demonstrated a new level of stretchability for a photodetector made from a synthetic polymer and an elastomer that absorbs light to produce an electrical current. It is up to 200% more stretchable than its original dimension without significantly losing its electric current. They found the right combination of chemical compounds to produce a super-soft material with the ability to generate and conduct electricity when exposed to light and the right ratio for all parts of the semiconductor layer to maintain high performance […]
Nanoscale pillars as a building block for future information technology
Science Daily October 5, 2018 A key element for future spin-light applications is efficient quantum information transfer at room temperature, but at room temperature the electron spin orientation is nearly randomized. This means that the information encoded in the electron spin is lost or too vague to be reliably converted to its distinct chiral light. Researchers in Sweden have devised an efficient spin-light interface. The key element of the device is extremely small disks of GaNAs, a couple of nanometres high stacked on top of each other with a thin layer of GaAs between to form chimney-shaped nanopillars. Fewer than […]