March 5, 2024 Microelectronic devices can directly communicate with biology, as electronic information can be transmitted via redox reactions within biological systems. Researchers at the University of Maryland engineered biology’s native redox networks to enable electronic interrogation and control of biological systems at several hierarchical levels: proteins, cells, and cell consortia. Electro-biofabrication facilitated on-device biological component assembly, electrode-actuated redox data transmission and redox-linked synthetic biology allowed programming of enzyme activity and closed-loop electrogenetic control of cellular function. Horseradish peroxidase was assembled onto interdigitated electrodes where electrode-generated hydrogen peroxide controlled its activity. E. coli’s stress response regulon, oxyRS, was rewired […]
Category Archives: Bioelectronics
Silk nanointerfaces merge biology and electronics
Nanowerk October 24, 2023 Researchers at Tufts University have developed a hybrid biopolymer–semiconductor device by integrating nanoscale silk layers in a well-established class of inorganic field-effect transistors (silk-FETs). The devices offered two distinct modes of operation—either traditional field-effect or electrolyte-gated—enabled by the precisely controlled thickness, morphology, and biochemistry of the integrated silk layers. The different operational modes were selectively accessed by dynamically modulating the free-water content within the nanoscale protein layer from the vapor phase. They illustrated the utility of the hybrid devices in a highly sensitive and ultrafast breath sensor, highlighting the opportunities offered by the integration of nanoscale […]
DNA circuits
EurekAlert June 2, 2021 Researchers in China have developed a configurable, multi-mode logic switching network that reacts differently with its surroundings depending on pH and DNA input. They developed a series of four DNA switches, each with slightly different lengths and combinations of bases. At a slightly alkaline pH of 8, two of the switches formed triple-stranded DNA, while the others remained loosely stretched out. These reactions and folds led to secondary reactions, which were utilized by the researchers as logic functions in the switching circuit. In demonstration DNA acted as a crosslinker, joining the polymer molecules in the gel […]
Scientists Have Found a Molecule That Allows Bacteria to ‘Exhale’ Electricity
Science Alert September 27, 2020 At any given time, billions of the bacteria are buzzing with electricity beneath the seafloor. Using advanced microscopy techniques a team of researchers in the US (Yale University, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory) found that, stimulated by the electric field, the microbes assemble into dense biofilms, interlinked piles of hundreds of individual microbes, moving electrons through a single shared network. They found the “unique fingerprint” of each amino acid in the proteins that make up Geobacter’s signature nanowires. And when stimulated by an electric field, Geobacter produce a previously unknown kind of nanowire made of a […]