July 24, 2024 A team of researchers in the US (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, UC Davis) developed a stand-alone box model to investigate four phenolic compounds, i.e., phenol, guaiacol, syringol, and guaiacyl acetone (GA), which represent some of the key potential sources of aqSOA from biomass burning in clouds. They predicted that the aqSOA formation potential (defined as aqSOA formed per unit dissolved organic gas concentration) of these phenols was higher than that of isoprene-epoxydiol (IEPOX), a well-known aqSOA precursor. Their simulations suggested that highly soluble and reactive multifunctional phenols like GA would predominantly undergo cloud chemistry within cloud […]
Category Archives: Aerosols
How exactly do we spread droplets as we talk? Engineers found out.
Technology Org October 13, 2020 Using high-speed imaging an international team of researchers (France, USA – Princeton University) has shown how phonation of common stop consonants, found in most of the world’s spoken languages, form and extend salivary filaments in a few milliseconds as moist lips open or when the tongue separates from the teeth. Both saliva viscoelasticity and airflow associated with the plosion of stop consonants are essential for stabilizing and subsequently forming centimeter-scale thin filaments, tens of microns in diameter, that break into speech droplets. The plosive consonants induce vortex rings that drive meter-long transport of exhaled air, […]