September 9, 2024
An international team of researcher (US – Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, UCLA, University of Maine, University of Hawaii, University of Southern California, American University, UC Santa Barbara, San José State University, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, UC Santa Cruz, Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences, Columbia University, Canada, Japan, Republic of Korea) developed a set of activities, and a unit called centennial tonne (1,000 kg) to measure ocean iron fertilization (OIF). The conducted Field studies in the Northeast Pacific; Improved modeling for field studies, Data assimilation; Predictions at larger scales; Improvements in Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) for C, and MRV for tracking ecological and environmental impacts; and developing new iron sources and their delivery, to increase efficiencies and reduce costs. According to the researchers OIF has the potential to be low cost, scalable, and rapidly deployable… read more. Open Access TECHNICAL ARTICLE