Electrically modulated light antenna points the way to faster computer chips

Phys.org  September 9, 2024
Because of the quantum nature of electrons, real interfaces have finite thickness, leading to nonclassical surface effects that influence light scattering in small particles. Electrical gating offers a promising route to control and study these effects, as static screening charges reside at the boundary. An international team of researchers (Germany, Denmark) investigated the modulation of the surface response upon direct electrical charging of single plasmonic nanoresonators. By analyzing measured changes in light scattering within the framework of surface response functions, they found the resonance shift well accounted for by modulation of the classical in-plane surface current. Change in the resonance width, indicated reduced losses for negatively charged resonators. This effect was attributed to a nonclassical out-of-plane surface response, extending beyond pure spill-out effects. According to the researchers their experiments paved the way for electrically driven plasmonic modulators and metasurfaces, leveraging control over nonclassical surface effects… read more. Open Access TECHNICAL ARTICLE

Influence of the d-parameter perturbations on a plasmonic resonance. Credit: Science Advances, 6 Sep 2024, Vol 10, Issue 36

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